If you’re a marketing professional in an industry impacting rural America, you’ve probably noticed how polarizing topics often take center stage. Important issues like sustainability, carbon programs, and electric vehicle (EV) adoption can ignite passionate debates.

That is where your challenge lies. Finding ways to effectively engage with an audience that has diverse – sometimes conflicting – views. How can you foster meaningful discussions without taking sides?

The answer is neutral messaging. In this blog, we’ll explore five ways you can craft neutral communication on even the most divisive topics.

Why neutral messaging matters

Neutral messaging is communication that presents information, opinions, or ideas without favoring a side. It’s delivering a message that educates and allows the audience to form their own opinion.

By taking a neutral stance, you can shape messages that foster understanding and respect. You’re able to discuss important topics without alienating one side of your audience.

Creating a neutral message

Use these five principles to craft a neutral message that delivers clarity, credibility, and impact.

1) Focus on facts.

Let facts guide your message. Research and collect accurate information to educate your audience on the topic. By using facts, you can provide context without adding your own personal bias. Avoid using any unverified claims in your communication.

2) Keep your tone neutral.

Choose language that avoids emotional triggers or subjective terms. Stick to neutral wording that is objective and clear. This will help prevent unintended influence and let your readers draw their own conclusions. For example, replace emotionally charged terms like “drastic change” with neutral phrases like “significant transition.”

3) Provide various resources.

Use a variety of reputable sources. Think academic journals, universities, credible news outlets, research studies, government agencies, and more. This will help your audience explore different perspectives. For example, if you wanted to give your readers a comprehensive understanding of EVs, you should link to a variety of viewpoints which could include environmental organizations, government agencies, and industry experts.

4) Offer both sides.

If you’re discussing a controversial topic, present a well-balanced mix of information from every side. Discuss all viewpoints without taking a side. By acknowledging all stances, you can provide context and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

5) Find common ground.

Identify shared values or concerns that both sides of the issue can relate to. By highlighting areas of agreement, you can create a bridge between the two sides.

Learn more about neutral messaging

If you need help communicating a topic that’s become divisive with your audience, we’re here to help. At Paulsen, we have years of experience reaching rural Americans. And, yes, that includes experience with polarizing topics impacting agriculture, energy, and other industries.

To learn more about neutral messaging, call us at 605-336-1745 or message us here