Four Reasons to Consider Content Packages
In marketing, few words are more repeated than the 1996 Bill Gates quote, “Content is king.” And in 2018, with an infinite ocean of internet, you need all the content you can get to be noticed. The question today isn’t whether or not you need content, it’s—how are you going to pull it all off?
Content options are overwhelming. They include blog posts, editorial pieces, print ads, digital banners, 100 types of social posts, podcasts, website sliders, video and more.
You may develop all of these pieces exclusively on a campaign-by-campaign basis, which works. But if you’re thinking maybe there is a better way, you might be thinking of content packages.
Content packages, as we define them here at Paulsen, are strategically planned sets of content, generally developed on a monthly basis.
As an example, one Paulsen client requests the following be included in each of their standard monthly packages:
- 1 video piece
- 1 print ad
- 1 blog post
- 1 website slider
- 3 social media posts
- 3 digital ads
The subject matter of those pieces may change based on which of their campaigns need boosting and which assets have been requested by members of their marketing team.
Content packages are highly customizable and vary based on your audience and marketing needs, but they share these four benefits:
Developing a monthly system of creating content saves you both money and time. Dedicated creative writers and graphic designers become experts in expressing the voice and look of your brand. And, when you plan everything in advance or hold spots for the development of specific content in a specific month, you see cost efficiencies.
In cases where you have multiple campaigns running at the same time, planning all the content for that month allows for a big picture look at how your pieces are working together.
Being able to see the full monthly set of content helps your team create quality pieces that work together. Here again, the big picture aspect of creating blocks of content each month helps you see more clearly what works and what doesn’t.
Having a set schedule of content each month makes the creation of otherwise costly one-off projects faster and more efficient. Not only do content packages streamline your branding efforts, but they allow you to focus on special events/efforts more closely, while you rest assured that your standard package is being prepped and ready to go.
If you’d like to learn more about what a customized content package program may look like for your brand, contact us at Our strategists, writers, graphic designers, media experts and digital professionals are standing by to knock your content out of the park!