- Agriculture
- Strategy and Planning
- Creative and Content
- Digital Marketing
- Audience Engagement
- Interactive Development
Using multiple tactics to reach a specific target is the key to driving home the message.
A proven product campaign
Alltech asked Paulsen for help in creating and implementing a campaign for Bio-Mos®, a natural feed supplement for animals that improves gut health and immune system development, at the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. The target was cattle producers and nutritionists.
Bio-Mos has a 20+-year track record of performance, which is supported by more than 734 trials and 114-peer reviewed publications.
The advantage—and the disadvantage—was that Bio-Mos was a proven product. We had a great story to share, but we couldn’t harness the excitement and publicity that accompanies a product introduction.
Leave no surface untouched
Fortunately, the NCBA event offered a wide range of tactics for delivering the message, including booth materials, banner ups, light pole banners, handouts, meeting sponsorship and appearances on RFD-TV, Rural America Live and Convention Today.
Go-to tactics included direct mail and email invitations, booth materials, booth happy hour with live music, giveaways and a drawing for a roping saddle.
Paulsen brought additional ideas to the table, including a Calf Immunity Forum featuring industry experts, landing pages, the offer of a Calf Immunity Ebook and Facebook Live events.
The creative was designed to strike an emotional chord with cattle producers, using My Cattle. My Legacy. My Bio-Mos. as the theme, along with compelling images and information, so materials appealed to both the heart and mind.
Following the trade show, the campaign continued with print placements in Drovers, Dairy Herd Management, BEEF Magazine, MILK, Progressive Farmer (Cattlelink),
Progressive Dairyman (All Herds Edition) and digital placements, including native, on AgWeb and
The right message. The right tactics. The right audience.
The Bio-Mos campaign made a splash at the NCBA show. More importantly, it reached the target, delivering 575 leads over a two-week period around the show. The light pole banners alone received more than 16,000 impressions in three days.
The campaign continued for several months, with the addition of a secondary campaign targeting dairy producers, increasing its reach and effectiveness.